ipod touch发布,google reader有了(终于)搜索功能
前几天就知道了9月5号老乔要发布新的ipod,果然今天早上来了打开google reader,都是关于ipod的消息.
就是iPhone -phone -mail -google map, 8G版本和16G版本,有老外还嫌太小。299美刀起,一代的还没有玩过呢,什么时候也去上一个。说起这个来,周末和同事去中关村配了台电 脑,AMD4000+ + 1G +160G +17 ” LCD ,3400元,我的03年的机器,赛扬1.7G + 384M + 40G + 15 CRT能卖多少钱?1000有么?再上,显示器一定要宽屏的,那叫爽。
还是来点实际的吧,今天google reader 升级了一把,最主要的是有了搜索功能,就在昨天我还想按照网上说的加一个呢,还没来的及,今天就加上了,真给面子。另外,原来的让我很不爽的未阅读上限 100+变成了1000+,我现在订阅了84个blog,很难看到1000+吧;feed列表也可以隐藏了,这样就有了更大的阅读空间。
Twitter is being upgraded!
It’ll have super strength and agility when it wakes up. Hang tight!
ayawawa被CCTV变成死人的 事情想必大家都已经知道了,ayawawa事后说“他们已经有人专门给我道歉了,说是一名临时工犯的错误,既然人家都这么诚恳,我也不好再去追究什么了 ”。果然又是临时公干的。BTV的纸馅儿包子是临时员工搞出来的,《徐新贤因公牺牲》是临时聘请的实习生写的,前一阵子北京下雪是不是也是天上的临时工干 的呢?正式工怎么会犯这样的错误呢?因为正式工根本就不干活。
This is a small tool I wrote for moving live spaces to Wordpress blog .What it does is exporting all your posting and comments to an xml file which your can use to import to your new wordpress based blog
1) Make sure there is .net framewrok 2.0 installed on your machine
2) Give a secretword to your live spaces: go to options-> email publish, then enter a secretword, this is like another password of your spaces, so take care of it as your password.
3) Get the tool here
4) Open the tool, enter your space name(xxx.spaces.live.com) and secret word as promoted.
5) Let the tool working alone for a while(time will depend on how many posts you have)
6) In the same directory, you get a file named “wordpress.xml”, you can import to your new blog
This tool also list posts that link to other posts in your blog to give convenience to update links in your new blog.
1) Make sure there is .net framewrok 2.0 installed on your machine
2) Give a secretword to your live spaces: go to options-> email publish, then enter a secretword, this is like another password of your spaces, so take care of it as your password.
3) Get the tool here
4) Open the tool, enter your space name(xxx.spaces.live.com) and secret word as promoted.
5) Let the tool working alone for a while(time will depend on how many posts you have)
6) In the same directory, you get a file named “wordpress.xml”, you can import to your new blog
This tool also list posts that link to other posts in your blog to give convenience to update links in your new blog.
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