

This is a small tool I wrote for moving live spaces to Wordpress blog .What it does is exporting all your posting and comments to an xml file which your can use to import to your new wordpress based blog
1) Make sure there is .net framewrok 2.0 installed on your machine
2) Give a secretword to your live spaces: go to options-> email publish, then enter a secretword, this is like another password of your spaces, so take care of it as your password.
3) Get the tool here
4) Open the tool, enter your space name(xxx.spaces.live.com) and secret word as promoted.
5) Let the tool working alone for a while(time will depend on how many posts you have)
6) In the same directory, you get a file named “wordpress.xml”, you can import to your new blog
This tool also list posts that link to other posts in your blog to give convenience to update links in your new blog.

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