
Opera 常用快捷键

Standard keys
MovementMove one line up
Move one line down
Move one character to the right
Move one character to the left
Move one screen-full up Page Up
Shift + Space
Move one screen-full down Page Down
Move one screen-full to the left Ctrl + Page Up
Move one screen-full to the right Ctrl + Page Down
Go to top Home
Go to bottom End

FocusCycle focus forward within active context Tab
Cycle focus backward within active context Shift + Tab
Activate Enter
Exit context or cancel Esc
Display context (right-click) menu Shift + F10
Properties dialogue Alt + Enter

System keysOpen file Ctrl + O
Save copy of page Ctrl + S
Print page Ctrl + P
Hide Opera Ctrl + Alt + Shift + H

Text keys
EditingUndo recent changes Ctrl + Z
Redo recent changes Ctrl + Y
Ctrl + Shift + Z
Copy selection to clipboard Ctrl + C
Ctrl + Insert
Move selection to clipboard Ctrl + X
Shift + Delete
Paste from clipboard Ctrl + V
Shift + Insert
Copy selected text to "Notes" panel Ctrl + Shift + C
Select all Ctrl + A
Delete selection (or character right of cursor) Delete
Delete selection (or character left of cursor) Backspace
Toggle text-style bold Ctrl + B
Toggle text-style italic Ctrl + I
Toggle text-style underline Ctrl + U
Convert hex to Unicode Ctrl + Shift + X

FindFind text Ctrl + F
Find next instance of text Ctrl + G
Find previous instance of text Ctrl + Shift + G
Shift + F3
Search for text in page (press F9 first to set focus on page) (numeric) /
. (period)
Search for text in links in page (press F9 first to set focus on page) Shift + (numeric) /
, (comma)

Loading keys
AccessGo to your home page Ctrl + Space
Alt + Home
Enter a Web address F2
Paste and go in current or new tab Ctrl + Shift + V
Speed Dial Ctrl + 0-9
Enter nickname for fast bookmark access Shift + F2
Save page address as new bookmark Ctrl + D
Save as new bookmark in active bookmark folder Ctrl + Shift + D

TransmissionReload (get latest version of) page Ctrl + R
Reload selected frame Alt + F5
Ctrl + Shift + R
Stop page loading Esc
Cancel current voice prompt Esc

Navigation keys
HistoryGo to next page in history Alt + →
Ctrl + →
Shift + Backspace
Go to previous page in history Alt + ←
Ctrl + ←
Fast Forward Shift + Backspace

Site navigation

To remove the last part of any Web address (such as a sub-directory) and go to that address, press Ctrl + Backspace.
Display modesPrint preview (toggles on/off) Ctrl + Shift + P
Use entire screen for browsing F11
Toggle "Fit to width" Ctrl + F11

SourceView page source Ctrl + U
View source of active frame Ctrl + Shift + U
Validate source of active page or frame Ctrl + Alt + Shift + U

Developer ToolsOpen developer tool Ctrl + Shift + I

ZoomingIncrease zoom % by steps of 10 Plus
Ctrl + Plus
Decrease zoom % by steps of 10 Minus
Ctrl + Minus
Restore zoom to 100% *
Ctrl + 0

Link keysSelect next link in page Ctrl + ↓
Select previous link in page Ctrl + ↑
Follow selected link Enter
Open selected link in new tab Shift + Enter
Open selected link in background tab Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Save link target (such as document or image) Ctrl + Shift + S

Spatial navigation keysNavigate between links and form elements Shift + ← ↑ → ↓

Tip: The combination of the Shift key and arrow keys is the fastest way of moving around a Web page when wanting to locate links and Web form elements.
Form keysLog in/auto-fill form using the Wand Ctrl + Enter
Go to next element in form Tab
Go to previous element in form Shift + Tab
Select form element Space

Access keys

These shortcuts are unique to pages that have access keys enabled. Toggle HTML access keys Shift + Esc
Enter HTML access keys A-Z and 0-9

Page keys: basicsBrowse in new tab Ctrl + T
Close active tab Ctrl + W
Ctrl + F4
Undo closing of tab Ctrl + Shift + T

Application windowsBrowse in new application window Ctrl + N
Close application window Ctrl + Shift + W
Alt + F4

Tab keys: switchingCycle to next tab (defaults to recently used order) Ctrl + Tab
Cycle to previous tab (defaults to recently used order) Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Switch to previous tab on tab bar Ctrl + Shift + F6
Switch to next tab on tab bar Ctrl + F6

Panel keys: activationToggle last active panel with panel selector F4
Toggle last active panel Shift + F4
Activate panels for keyboard navigation F7
Expand all folders/views in panel Shift + →
Collapse all folders/views in panel Shift + ←
Open "Search" panel Ctrl + Shift + 1
Open "Bookmarks" panel Ctrl + Shift + 2
Ctrl + B
Open "Mail" panel Ctrl + Shift + 3
Open "Contacts" panel Ctrl + Shift + 4
Open "Chat" panel Ctrl + Shift + 5
Open "Notes" panel Ctrl + Shift + 6
Open "Transfers" panel Ctrl + Shift + 7
Open "History" panel Ctrl + Shift + 8
Ctrl + H
Open "Links" panel Ctrl + Shift + 9
Open "Windows" panel Ctrl + Shift + 0

Panel keys: actions
BookmarksOpen bookmark Enter
Open bookmark in new tab Shift + Enter
Open bookmark in background tab Ctrl + Shift + Enter

MailMark all e-mail in selected view as read Ctrl + Shift + A

ContactsShow messages associated with contact Enter
Compose message to contact Shift + Enter

TransfersOpen transferred file Enter

PreferencesEdit your preferences Alt + P
Ctrl + F12
Quickly edit most popular preferences F12
Edit browser appearance Shift + F12

Focus keysSet focus to Web page (to enable keyboard navigation) F9
Set focus to address field F8
Ctrl + L
Alt + D
Set focus to search field Ctrl + E
Set focus to personal bar (only when you have search fields) Shift + F7
Restore original address in address field and set focus to page Esc

Manager pagesManage bookmarks Ctrl + Shift + B
Manage transfers Ctrl + J
Manage history Ctrl + Shift + H
Manage links Ctrl + Shift + L

E-mail keys: reading and sending
BasicsCheck e-mail Ctrl + K
Write new message Ctrl + M
Attach files to message Ctrl + O
Upload queued messages to mail server Ctrl + Shift + K
Send composed message Ctrl + Shift + S
Ctrl + Enter

NavigationGo to next message J
Go to previous message U
Go to next unread message H
Shift + J
Go to previous unread message Y
Shift + U
Move one screen-full up Shift + Space
Move one screen-full down, then go to next unread Space
Scroll up in message body (even if focus on message list) Alt + ↑
Scroll down in message body (even if focus on message list) Alt + ↓
Set focus to message list F8
Set focus to message F9

ThreadsExpand all threads Shift + →
Collapse all threads Shift + ←
Mark thread as read M
Mark thread as read, go to next unread N

E-mail keys: managing
MarkingMark selected message as read K
Mark selected message as read, and go to next unread e-mail G
Mark selected message as read, and go to previous unread e-mail T
Mark selected message as unread Shift + K
Mark all messages in active view as read Ctrl + Shift + A
Move selected message to Trash Delete
Delete selected message permanently, without moving to Trash Shift + Delete

RespondingReply to message R
Reply to all recipients of message, including sender Shift + R
Forward message F
Redirect message D
Continue editing message (Drafts, Outbox, and Sent views) Enter
Focus "Quick reply" field Q
Shift + F9

HandlingSave sender's address as new contact A
Save attachments Shift + S
Label message (for example important or funny) L, 1-7
View all messages associated with sender E
Copy raw message data to clipboard C

ViewingToggle different layout of message list and message body I

Chat keysDownload and list available rooms on chat server Ctrl + Shift + J
Set focus to chat input field Shift + F9

Help keysOpen Opera's help window F1
Search while viewing help page Ctrl + F

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